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Sam Altman Imagines a Future with “Slices of GPT” Replacing Universal Basic Income

Altman has expressed concerns, about the impact of technologies like ChatGPT on job markets.

In a wide-ranging discussion about the future impacts of artificial intelligence, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman put forth a thought-provoking idea about how the concept of universal basic income could evolve. Altman has expressed concerns, about the impact of technologies like ChatGPT on job markets. Has been a long time advocate of universal basic income to support people facing job losses due to AI advancements.

However he now envisions an approach as AI capabilities progress rapidly. In his perspective of receiving direct monetary support individuals could be granted access to “slices of GPT ” enabling them to utilize computational power from advanced AI systems. This concept, termed ” compute” by Altman is seen as a potentially more effective alternative, to traditional universal basic income initiatives.

How Might “Universal Basic Compute” Work?

Sam Altman Imagines a Future with Slices of GPT Replacing Universal Basic Income

Altman suggested a concept where individuals could receive a portion of processing power from AI to use as needed without specifying all the specifics. This might include tasks, like running queries selling capacity or contributing it to endeavors such, as medical research. The question of how privacy and supervision would be maintained in this scenario’s unanswered.

In the realm of AI Altman envisions a concept called ” basic compute” to empower individuals and communities amidst the shifts, in technology. Yet numerous inquiries must be tackled for this system to viably and morally substitute financial aid initiatives. Only time will tell if “universal basic income” truly evolves into the form of “universal basic compute” that Altman envisions.


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