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Beware of Facebook Ads Promising Freebies, They Could Steal Your Data

Beware of Facebook ads appearing as top search results, one led to a site that stole a user's login details.

Scammers have found a new way to trick users on social media – through Facebook ads. Recently cybersecurity specialist Justin Poli came across some ads posing as top search results on the platform. One of these ads directed him to a website that managed to snatch his login credentials and important files.

These deceptive “phishing” ads cleverly use tracking mechanisms to hide their destination from platforms like Google. Although the ads URL appears genuine it cunningly redirects users elsewhere upon clicking. Poli was shocked to discover that his passwords account information and computer data had been compromised on this site. It’s worth noting that young individuals are particularly vulnerable to falling victim, to online scams.

How to Spot Fake Facebook Ads

Beware of Facebook Ads Promising Freebies, They Could Steal Your Data

There are some signs that can help identify malicious Facebook ads. Make sure to verify that the website address matches the advertisement content before providing any information. Take a moment to hover over links to see where they direct you before clicking. Using an ad blocker can help avoid seeing promotions. Above all exercise caution when encountering ads that offer items or rewards in return for personal details. Reputable businesses will not request data such, as bank login information via social media platforms.

Tech companies are striving to enhance ad security but its crucial for users to stay vigilant. Poli suggests keeping software up to date and turning off Flash/Java to reduce vulnerabilities. Reporting any ads can expedite their removal. Educating individuals, youngsters on verifying advertisers and refraining from sharing personal details without valid reasons is key to prevention. Given the changing nature of online scams staying watchful while exploring popular platforms, like Facebook is essential. Being alert may safeguard your data from ads by hackers.


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